Keycloak Keycloak Authentication Flows, SSO Protocols and Client Configuration In this article, I'm going to introduce the concept of authentication flows. Then, I'll briefly mention the two protocols Keycloak can use to provide its services: OpenID Connect (on top of OAuth 2.0) and SAML. Finally, I'll show you how to configure Keycloak clients.
Blog New Blog, New Platform, New Goal Starting a blog is easy. Keep writing is not. This time, I'm confident it's going to be different. I'll be writing about security, Keycloak, Spring and software development on my brand new blog, just migrated from WordPress to Ghost.
Security Access Control: Identification, Authentication, and Authorization Unauthorized access to data and resources is one of the most significant and dangerous risks of the digital world. The OWASP Foundation, in their project about the Top 10 Application Security Risks - 2017, placed “Broken Authentication” as second, “Broken Access Control” as fifth.
Keycloak Securing a Spring Boot Application with Keycloak - A First Look Learn how to: set up a Spring Boot application for a public library, define the application resources, add access policies based on user roles. We're going to use OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, specifically the standard Authorization Code Flow.
Keycloak Keycloak Basic Configuration for Authentication and Authorization Managing authentication and authorization is an essential task in every good-designed web application or service. Keycloak makes it very easy and practical, letting us focus on the application business logic rather than on the implementation of security features.
Keycloak Introducing Keycloak for Identity and Access Management This article is the first of a series where I'd like to introduce Keycloak as a solution to manage authentication and authorization, how to install it and which are the fundamental concepts and configurations.
Development Highlights from HL7® FHIR® DevDays 2018 in Amsterdam Last week I attended the HL7 FHIR DevDays 2018 in Amsterdam, the "most important and largest FHIR only event in the world" organised by Firely. It's been awesome: a lot of interesting and inspiring sessions, exciting projects and a vibrant and friendly community.
Spring How to enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot Java application Setting up HTTPS for Spring Boot requires two steps: getting an SSL certificate and configuring SSL in Spring Boot. Whether you're going to generate a self-signed certificate or you have already got one by a CA, I'll show you how to enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot application.
Spring Spring Data JPA using Hibernate and Java Configuration with Annotations Spring Data JPA makes it very easy to implement JPA-based repositories. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use it to integrate a relational database (PostgreSQL in my example) with a Spring Boot application.
Spring Getting Started with Spring Data MongoDB using Java Configuration In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use Spring Data MongoDB to integrate a MongoDB NoSQL database into a Spring Boot application. Spring lets you use either Java configuration or XML configuration or a mix of the two. I'll use a pure Java configuration.
Development How to setup gdb and Eclipse to debug C++ files on macOS Catalina Using gdb debugger on macOS is no longer straightforward since Xcode stopped using it and replaced it with lldb. For macOS Catalina, there are several steps to follow to make it work. In this article, I'll show you how.
Digital Revolution Il Web ci rende liberi? Gianni Riotta e la dialettica della rivoluzione digitale Il Web ci rende liberi? è l’ultimo saggio scritto dal professor Gianni Riotta, che s’interroga sulla domanda che dà il titolo al libro e prova a fornire una risposta soddisfacente.
Digital Revolution Il "Mito della Caverna" e l'educazione digitale Internet, nel corso degli anni, ha permesso di accumulare milioni di informazioni visualizzabili da tutti coloro che hanno accesso a questa tecnologia. Con il Web si possono leggere le ultime notizie di attualità, si può consultare un’enciclopedia...
Digital Revolution Il Web come l'Isola che non c'è, ovvero le Reti della Libertà Due dei Diritti Inviolabili dell'Uomo sono la libertà di pensiero e la libertà di espressione. Questi diritti sono riconosciuti dalle moderne democrazie e sembrano quasi qualcosa di ovvio.
Digital Revolution Il Web è accessibile a tutti: e in Italia? Da uno studio eseguito nel 2012 dall'Istat, emerge che a disporre dell'accesso a Internet è il 54,5% delle famiglie italiane ("Cittadini e nuove tecnologie"). È un dato molto importante e che deve essere tenuto in considerazione in varie situazioni.