Thanks for reading my blog, I really appreciate it. If you would like to make a connection, please refer to the channels below.
This is the fastest way if you want to reach out. Feel free to follow me there. I don't see every mention so you may not get a reply via a public post, but I'll try. DMs are best for initial contact.
LinkedIn: vitalethomas
You can find my professional background on LinkedIn. I generally accept only requests from people I've met, spoken with, worked with or had a connection with in some way. I may respond to IN messages, though.
GitHub: ThomasVitale
Here you can find the source code for my tutorials, some demo projects and examples using mainly Java, Spring, AI, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native.
This is a secondary option you can use to reach out after BlueSky. Feel free to follow me there. I don't see every mention so you may not get a reply via a public post, but I'll try. DMs are best for initial contact.
Twitter: vitalethomas
I don't use Twitter much anymore and I might not be using it at all in the future. Feel free to follow me there, but if you'd like to stay in touch I recommend connecting on BlueSky.