Spring Podman Desktop for Java Development Install Podman Desktop for managing containers and learn how to use it for Java development (Spring Boot, Quarkus, Testcontainers, Buildpacks).
Diary Cloud Native Diary #15 LLM-powered applications with Java and Spring AI. Updates from GOTO Copenhagen, KCD Denmark, and YOW! Australia.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #14 LLM-powered applications with Java and Spring AI. Updates from CNCF WG App Development. News from GOTO Copenhagen and KCD Denmark.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #13 LLM Observability for Spring AI, enhancing models and vector stores. My book is available in Korean. News from KCD Munich and CNCF WG AppDev.
AI Text Classification with Java, Spring AI and LLMs This article will explain the main aspects of a text classification system and describe how to implement it with Java and Spring AI while leveraging the power of large language models (LLMs).
Diary Cloud Native Diary #12 Exciting projects with Java, LLMs, and Generative AI. Conference news from Spring I/O and Devoxx UK. OpenTelemetry and supply chain security.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #11 Exciting projects with Java, LLMs, and Generative AI. Conference news from KubeCon, Voxxed Days, and JFokus. Platforms and supply chain security.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #10 Exciting projects with Java and Generative AI, Arconia framework for multitenant Java applications, supply chain security, and conference news.
Security Supply Chain Security: SBOMs for Java Applications SBOMs identify software components in an application. Generate SBOMs for Java to enable vulnerability scanning, license checks and risk analysis.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #9 Devoxx conference and supply chain security, Java and Generative AI, Spring Boot and OpenTelemetry, platform engineering on Kubernetes.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #8 Conferences and events about cloud native, Kubernetes, Java, and Spring Boot. Open source contributions to kpack and Carvel. Developer productivity tooling.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #7 The past few weeks have been intense. KubeCon, platforms, Kubernetes, Carvel, Buildpacks, Cartographer, OSS, conferences, and more.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #6 A lot happened in the past few weeks. YouTube shows, meetups, cloud native platforms, Java, Kustomize, Carvel, Cartographer, Keycloak.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #5 This week, I talk about the future of Java, new features in Spring Boot 3, ARM64 support in Buildpacks, cloud native platforms, and more. Let's get to it.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #4 Cloud Native Spring in Action, OpenTelemetry, Buildpacks, Carvel package management, and cloud native platforms.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #3 Great feedback for Cloud Native Spring in Action, Spring Boot 3, SLSA, SBOMs, multi-architecture Buildpacks, and platforms.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #2 Excellent feedback for Cloud Native Spring in Action, supply chain security (SLSA, Sigstore), images (Buildpacks, kpack, Paketo), and platforms.
Diary Cloud Native Diary #1 The start of a new blog series. Every week, I'll share my journey working with application development, platform engineering, and cloud native.
Spring Spring Native: Getting started with GraalVM native images The Spring Native project provides support for packaging Spring applications as native images using GraalVM, with fast startup times and optimized memory usage.
Talks Devoxx Ukraine 2020: "Cloud Native Spring - Migrating traditional apps" (Talk) Learn the main steps for migrating traditional Spring applications to cloud native: embedded servers, Docker images, externalized configuration, disposability, logging and monitoring.
Spring New Book: Cloud Native Spring in Action - With Spring Boot and Kubernetes I’m thrilled to announce that my book is available in early access. Learn cloud native development with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker and Kubernetes.
Spring Centralized Configuration with Spring Cloud Config Learn how to build a central config server with Spring Cloud Config, configure a Spring Boot application with it, and refresh the config at runtime.
Keycloak Spring Security and Keycloak to Secure a Spring Boot Application - A First Look Keycloak is a solution for identity and access management. In this article, we're going to secure a Spring Boot application using Spring Security and Keycloak.
Quarkus Quarkus - Develop Your First Supersonic Enterprise Java Application In this article, we're going to getting started with our first supersonic Quarkus application. We will develop a RESTful application using the familiar JAX-RS and CDI APIs, learn how to run it in a Quarkus environment and see how to test it.
Jakarta EE Getting Started With Jakarta EE - A Sample Application Jakarta EE 8 has officially been released last Tuesday. It's the beginning of what it's been promised as "the Future of Cloud Native Java". Let's look at a sample application in Jakarta EE, using Wildfly, Gradle and Docker.